I’m trying to figure out how much I can make, realistically, piecing together jobs online. I would like to make $3500 a month. Are my expectations to high?
Thank you very much
]]>Hi Hollister,
Thanks for stopping by — and for your kind words. I’m happy to know some of my articles have spurred you into action 🙂 If you need any help, always feel free to contact me!
]]>Hi Cheri,
Thanks for visiting 🙂 It’s not always glamorous, but you can definitely cobble together a living using the Internet. I don’t know if I can ever go back to an office job. I’m always on the lookout for ways to create an additional revenue stream and always share it when I come across something good!
]]>This is a great list, and this is exactly what I do to make a living from home. I’m always on the lookout for new opportunities, and your website’s a great place to find them!
]]>Hi Amy,
Thanks for stopping by. That’s a great question! I am, by no means, a tax expert. But, generally speaking, I set aside about 30% of what I make on gigs to go towards taxes.
Thanks to credits (like the home office credit), it helps offset what can seem like an expensive way to earn 🙂
But, if you look at a paycheck from an employee, close to 30 percent of your income is taken out to go to federal taxes, social security, medicare, and states taxes (if applicable). The only difference is your employer takes it out for you and when you’re a freelancer or solopreneur, you’ve got to take responsibility for your taxes.
Fortunately, both the IRS and Turbotax have tons of helpful calculators and forms that make it easy peasy to keep track of your earnings.
I hope this helps 🙂
Best wishes,